Terms of Service

Updated 09/22/2024

I. General information

1. contracting party, scope of application, definitions

1.1 The contractual partner is Doorboost GmbH, Torstraße 117, 10119 Berlin (hereinafter: "Doorboost" or "we" or "us").

1.2 Our terms and conditions apply exclusively; we do not recognize any terms and conditions that conflict with or deviate from our terms and conditions unless we agree to their validity in writing. Our terms and conditions shall also apply if we perform our services without reservation in the knowledge of terms and conditions that conflict with or deviate from our terms and conditions. Our terms and conditions also apply to all future transactions.

1.3. manufacturer is any company that manufactures products under one or more brands and sells them through and via distribution partners, in particular to consumers.

1.4. dealer is a company with a single location with only one physical address that has a contractual relationship with the manufacturer and sells the manufacturer's products, among other things.

1.5. users are all companies to which the service offering is directed, i.e. manufacturers and dealers.

1.6. platform is the Internet platform offered by us at doorboost.com, including all functions via which we offer and provide our services.

1.7. campaigns are online advertising campaigns by manufacturers to advertise their products.

1.8. content is all content created by the manufacturer and/or retailer either themselves or by commissioned third parties or by Doorboost on behalf of the manufacturer or retailer (in particular texts, photographs, images, graphics, drawings, videos, films, music, sounds) for individual campaigns.

1.9 User data is all data or content that users upload, submit or otherwise transmit on or via the platform.

1.10 Aggregated data is user data that (i) is anonymized so that it does not identify an individual person, and (ii) is combined with the data of other users or additional data sources.

2. services of Doorboost

2.1. Die von Doorboost zu erbringenden Dienstleistungen ergeben dem Umfang nach aus dem jeweiligen Bestellformular bzw. aus der Einzelbeauftragung.

2.2. Doorboost bietet über die Plattform den Zugang zu Funktionen und Services, die dem Hersteller helfen, Online-Marketing-Inhalte zu entwickeln und diese mit Händlern zu teilen. In einigen Fällen beinhaltet dies Kampagnen, die es den Händlern ermöglichen, an den Inhalten und/oder Kampagnen des Herstellers zu partizipieren, sie anzupassen und sie mit Verbrauchern zu teilen (einschließlich über Online-Kanäle wie Facebook oder Google, Landingpages, E-Mail und/oder Plattformen anderer Drittanbieter). Die Leistungen von Doorboost bestehen lediglich in der Erbringung von Dienstleistungen; ein bestimmter Erfolg ist nicht geschuldet. Sofern dies vertraglich vereinbart wurde, steht Doorboost darüber hinaus für zusätzliche Beratungsdienstleistungen bei der Erstellung oder Anpassung von Kampagnen zur Verfügung. Im Rahmen, der von Doorboost angebotenen Dienstleistungen erhält, der Hersteller bzw. Händler Zugriff auf ein Dashboard, aus denen sich Berichte zu Klickraten und dgl. ergeben. Diese Berichte werden von Dritten (wie z.B. Google, Meta) erstellt. Zu den Leistungen von Doorboost gehört es nicht, die Richtigkeit dieser Berichte zu prüfen. Jedoch bleiben dem Hersteller und Händler stets der Nachweis offen, dass diese Berichte unzutreffend sind.

2.3 Sobald der Nutzer die Kampagne erstellt sowie Radius, Werbebudget und bestimmte Eigenschaften der Zielgruppe festgelegt hat, wird Doorboost die Kampagne auf verschiedenen Werbekanälen platzieren und optimieren. Doorboost verpflichtet sich dabei, die Kampagnen nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen auf der Basis der allgemein zugänglichen Marktforschungsdaten und unter größtmöglicher Berücksichtigung der Wünsche des Händlers zu besorgen. Im Rahmen der Kampagnenoptimierung greift Doorboost auf die Attributationsverfahren der Werbekanäle zurück. Bei der Budgetverteilung kann es zu Schwankungen kommen, auf die Doorboost keinen Einfluss hat. Die Parteien vereinbaren bezüglich des einzusetzenden Werbe-/Kampagnenbudgets eine Toleranz von 5%.

2.4 Wir bieten als Teil unserer Hauptleistungspflicht im Rahmen der technischen und betrieblichen Möglichkeiten von uns und unserem Provider eine mittlere Verfügbarkeit der Plattform von 99% im Monat. Wir sind in diesem Rahmen zur Abschaltung der Plattform zu Zwecken der Aktualisierung oder technischen Überprüfung und Wartung berechtigt. Der Nutzer willigt in alle – auch kurzfristigen und unangekündigten – aus technischen Gründen erforderlichen oder nützlichen Abschaltungen ein. Wir verpflichten uns im Gegenzug, solche Abschaltungen nur in Zeiten vorzunehmen, während der der Abruf von Daten nur gering ist.

2.5. Die Service-Verfügbarkeitszeit wird als 100% abzüglich der Ausfallzeit berechnet, wobei die Ausfallzeit aus der Gesamtzahl der Minuten pro Monat besteht, in denen eine benutzerzugängliche Anwendung für 15 oder mehr aufeinanderfolgende Minuten für Nutzer nicht verfügbar ist, geteilt durch die Anzahl der verfügbaren Minuten in einem solchen Monat, wobei die geplante Ausfallzeit ausgeschlossen ist. Berechnung wie folgt: Serviceverfügbarkeit (in Minuten) = Geplante Serviceverfügbarkeit – (Geplante Ausfallzeit + Ungeplante Ausfallzeit) Serviceverfügbarkeit (in Prozent) = (Serviceverfügbarkeit (in Minuten) / (Geplante Serviceverfügbarkeit (in Minuten) – Geplante Ausfallzeit (in Minuten)) * 100%

Wenn die Ursache für die Nichtverfügbarkeit nicht ermittelt werden kann oder bestritten wird, wird eine gemeinsame Überprüfung mit dem Nutzer und allen anderen beteiligten Drittanbietern (falls erforderlich) durchgeführt, um sich gemeinsam auf eine angemessene Aufteilung der Verantwortung für die Nichtverfügbarkeit auf die entsprechende(n) Partei(en) zu einigen. Die Ergebnisse der Prüfung der Serviceverfügbarkeit sind allen Parteien transparent zugänglich zu machen. Für den Fall, dass die für den Benutzer zugänglichen Anwendungen eine Verfügbarkeit von weniger als 99% in einem bestimmten Monat aufweisen, hat der Benutzer Anspruch auf ein Service-Verfügbarkeitsguthaben von Doorboost, wie in der untenstehenden Tabelle definiert. Die Höhe des Service-Verfügbarkeitsguthabens richtet sich nach dem Betrag der aktuellen monatlichen Plattformgebühr, wie sie zwischen Doorboost und dem Benutzer vereinbart wurde. Im Falle eines gewährten Service-Verfügbarkeitsguthabens wird dieses dem Benutzer innerhalb des darauffolgenden Monats gutgeschrieben, in dem der Serviceausfall eingetreten ist. Die Gutschrift wird mit der nächsten monatlichen Plattformgebühr verrechnet, oder im Falle eines endenden Vertrags auf das normalerweise zur Zahlung der monatlichen Plattformgebühr verwendete Konto überwiesen.

Servicegutschrift/Rückerstattung. Wenn die tatsächliche Serviceverfügbarkeit für den Service in einem bestimmten Kalendermonat geringer ist als die Service-Verfügbarkeitsgarantie, erhält der Benutzer eine Gutschrift in Höhe eines Prozentsatzes der monatlichen Plattformgebühr für diesen Monat gemäß der folgenden Tabelle:

Service availability greater than or equal to: Service availability less than: Service availability credit (percentage of the monthly platform fee
95% 98.9% 5%
90% 94.9% 10%
85% 89.9% 15%
80% 84.9% 20%
75% 79.9% 25%
50% 74.9% 50%
0% 49.9% 100%

2.6 Insofar as we offer services free of charge, we are entitled at any time and without prior notice to change, restrict or no longer offer these services. Services provided free of charge do not constitute material contractual obligations on our part.

3. technical requirements of the user

3.1 A web browser is required for the contractual use of our content. To view the documents contained on the website in pdf format, the Acrobat Reader from Adobe is required.

3.2. Otherwise, the user requires his own provider for an Internet connection. The user is solely responsible for errors or downtimes of his provider.

4. content from users

4.1 The user alone shall be responsible for all content of the user, for its correctness and legal admissibility. In particular, the user warrants that the content posted by him does not infringe the rights of third parties, in particular copyrights, personal rights, design rights and/or trademark rights of third parties and does not violate legally valid regulations, in particular competition law and/or criminal law and/or data protection law.

4.2. If the user posts content, he undertakes to provide only truthful information.

4.3. We are entitled, but not obliged, to check posted content for the impairment of corresponding rights of third parties or for the violation of general legal provisions (in particular the Unfair Competition Act or criminal provisions). We are always entitled to remove or block content until disputes as to whether content infringes the rights of third parties or general legal provisions have been resolved. Insofar as the user breaches the obligations set out in Section 4.1. or Section 4.2. above, the user is obliged to indemnify us against any third-party claims arising from this breach of duty. This also includes any fines, penalties or costs incurred in connection with criminal prosecution as well as any judicial and extrajudicial costs incurred by us in connection with a civil dispute. The parties shall always support each other to the best of their ability in the defense against third-party claims.

5. further obligations of users

5.1 The user may not store or upload any data on the platform which, due to its type or nature (e.g. viruses, corrupted files, "Trojan horses" or other contaminating or destructive features), size or duplication (e.g. spamming), is likely to endanger the existence or operation of the data center or data network. The user must check files for malware using a common anti-virus program before each upload to our platform. The user shall not take any measures that could place an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure or cause damage or disrupt the functioning of our systems or services.

5.2. If the content posted by the user is protected by copyright, trademark law or other property rights, the user shall grant us a simple right of use for the reproduction of the protected content during the term of the contract, in particular the corresponding reproduction, distribution and editing rights and the right to make it publicly available.

5.3 The user is obliged to exercise the greatest possible care when using passwords, user names or other security devices provided in connection with our services and to ensure that they are not disclosed to third parties. The user shall be liable for any damage caused by the unauthorized use of passwords by unauthorized third parties.

5.4. The user shall not publish or disseminate any unauthorized advertising such as chain letters and pyramid schemes.

6. set-off and right of retention

6.1 Any counterclaims can only be offset if the counterclaims are undisputed or have been legally established.

6.2. A user may only refuse to perform or withhold services because of possible counterclaims if the counterclaims are undisputed or have been legally established.

7. third-party websites

7.1 Our Platform and Services include systems that, among other things, allow the User to manage the access and publication of content on advertising platforms or advertising systems (e.g. Facebook, Google, Instagram, emails, other websites and platforms of third parties) and to enable access to such websites and services controlled by third parties (hereinafter all "Advertising Platforms"). The User hereby grants us all necessary authorizations to access these Advertising Platforms on his behalf in order to make our Platform available to him, including the use and analysis of the information provided by the Advertising Platforms. Access to the Advertising Platforms is provided to the User as an additional service and we are not responsible for the content, actions or performance of the Advertising Platforms or any third party websites or services connected or linked to these Advertising Platforms. The user expressly agrees to use each advertising platform at his or her own risk. Each Advertising Platform accessed through our Platform is independent from us, and we have no control over the content, privacy policies and terms of use of such Advertising Platforms. Each advertising platform may have its own terms of use and privacy policy and the user should review the terms and policies, including privacy and data collection practices, before beginning or continuing to use it. In no event shall any reference to a third party product or advertising platform be construed as approval or endorsement by us of that third party or any product or service provided by that third party. You agree to abide by the terms of the applicable Advertising Platform.

7.2. We may terminate an Advertising Platform's ability to interact with the Platform at any time, with or without notice, in our sole discretion. Any advertising platform may take action to impair or prevent the functionality of the platform at any time and without our intervention. We are not responsible for verifying any changes or updates or the quality, content, policies, nature or reliability of any Advertising Platform.

8. user data

The user hereby grants Doorboost the non-exclusive, worldwide, temporally unlimited, free of charge right to (a) provide the service and all related services for the user and to aggregate, use, copy, store derived information about user data as well as the user data itself, transmit, distribute, display, publicly perform, and modify (b) use aggregated data for our business purposes, including, but not limited to, developing, publishing and marketing benchmarks, predictive models, predictive analytics and measures based on aggregated data. Our rights with respect to Aggregate Data shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. We are the sole owner of the aggregated data.

9. duration of contract - termination

9.1 Subject to individual agreements, a contract is concluded for an indefinite period. It can be terminated in writing by either party with a notice period of three months to the end of a contract year.

9.2. Notwithstanding this, the contract can be terminated prematurely by either party without notice for good cause, which exists in particular:

a) for Doorboost, if the user is in default of payment despite a reasonably limited reminder and/or the user posts content contrary to Clause I.4.1. or I.4.2.

b) for both parties if the other party violates a material contractual obligation despite a reasonably limited reminder combined with a request for remedy and/or insolvency proceedings are opened against the assets of the other party.

9.3 Any termination or reminder must be made in writing (e-mail is sufficient) in order to be effective.

9.4 If no individual provision or provision recognizable from the special provisions has been agreed and no termination of a contract takes place, this shall be automatically extended at the end of the specified contract term by the respective term of the original contract.

10. liability

10.1 Doorboost is liable without limitation for intent and gross negligence; otherwise, liability is limited or excluded in accordance with the following provisions

10.2 In the event of simple negligence, Doorboost is only liable if an obligation is violated, compliance with which is of particular importance for achieving the purpose of the contract (cardinal obligation); otherwise, liability for simple negligence is excluded altogether. Insofar as liability for simple negligence exists thereafter, this liability is limited to the foreseeable damage typical for the contract and in accordance with the further provisions.

10.3. The parties may in particular agree on a limitation of liability in terms of amount in the course of negotiations, which then applies in addition to the above provisions. Unless the parties expressly agree on a specific liability amount, the parties shall assume that the foreseeable damage typical for the contract does not exceed an amount equal to twelve times the value of the agreed monthly fee per claim (annual fee), but no more than twenty-four times the value of the fee (double the annual fee) during the entire term of the contract. Insofar as a higher liability risk must be expected, taking into account the particular risks of the customer, the customer is obliged to explicitly inform Doorboost of this, whereupon Doorboost will submit a proposal for additional cover.

10.4 Liability for indirect damages and consequential damages, in particular for damages due to business interruption and loss of profit, is excluded.

10.5 The limitations of liability do not apply to injury to life, body or health or to claims under the Product Liability Act.

11. other

11.1 The contract language is German. Even if the contract text should be translated into another language, the German contract text remains binding.

11.2. In addition to these provisions, all legal relationships between the user and us shall be governed by German law, in particular the service contract law of the German Civil Code (BGB), excluding the provisions of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) of 11.04.1980.

11.3. With merchants, the place of jurisdiction is agreed to be the registered office of Doorboost; however, we are also entitled to bring an action at other statutory places of jurisdiction. With other users, the place of business of Doorboost is only agreed as the place of jurisdiction if the user concerned has no general place of jurisdiction in the Federal Republic of Germany.

11.4. Should one or more of the contractual provisions be invalid or void, this shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the contract.

II Special provisions for contracts with manufacturers

1. campaigns

The Producer shall bear all costs of creating and broadcasting the Campaigns, including any associated shipping costs, taxes and other related fees. The Producer is responsible for all necessary licenses, permits, authorizations and registrations required to create and deliver Campaigns. The Producer undertakes to create or have campaigns created in a safe and professional manner and in accordance with legal requirements. Vendor is solely responsible for compliance with all representations, warranties and/or guarantees made by Vendor in connection with the Campaigns, as well as for all user support, general support and warranty services for Vendor's products. Manufacturer agrees to provide sufficient contact information for all customer inquiries, complaints or claims.

2. information for dealers

The manufacturer will inform the dealers about the conditions of the framework agreement that he has concluded with Doorboost and in particular about the remuneration that he has to pay to Doorboost and in particular about the functioning of the platform and the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions and will draw their attention to the fact that use of the platform is only possible for dealers who accept these conditions and the associated obligations.

3. remuneration of doorboost

3.1 Each Dealer who has used the Platform within the last ninety (90) days is recorded; a "Dealer Account" is a Dealer who is granted access to the Platform. To the extent applicable and agreed for the use of the Platform, the number of Participating Distributors linked to the Manufacturer's account shall be calculated on the last day of each calendar month (hereinafter "Measurement Date"). Unless otherwise agreed, the applicable Subscription Fee associated with the use of the Platform (the "Subscription Fee") will remain fixed during the applicable Subscription Term, unless the Manufacturer: (i) exceeds the maximum number of Participating Merchants specified in the Order Form; (ii) changes, by written notice, the Products or Base Packages specified in the Order Form; or (iii) orders additional features or services. If the Subscription Fee increases for the reasons stated above, it will remain in effect for the then-current Subscription Term, even if the number of Participating Merchants associated with the Account is reduced.

3.2 Invoicing will be in accordance with the applicable Order Form. Unless otherwise specified in an Order Form, all invoices are due for payment within fourteen (14) days of the invoice date. All payments shall be made in Euros or US Dollars, by check, credit card or bank transfer from the account specified by us in writing, or by our designated credit card payment processor.

3.3 The fees invoiced may include sales, use, value added, excise or similar taxes, depending on where the manufacturer is located. You will pay all such taxes based on these Terms. In addition, you will reimburse any interest that may accrue on these taxes if they are not due to our delay.

III. special conditions for traders

1. conclusion of contract, special right of termination

1.1 By filling out and submitting an order form, the merchant submits a binding offer. Doorboost reserves the right to freely decide whether to accept this offer. The contract is concluded when Doorboost accepts the order by sending an order confirmation by e-mail.

1.2 Doorboost grants the merchant the right to cancel the order until the start of the campaign. The notice of termination must be sent by e-mail to support@doorboost.com.

1.3 If the termination is made up to 14 days after the conclusion of the contract, no cancellation fees will be charged. For cancellations made after this time, 20% of the order value must be paid.

2. authorization of use

A merchant is only entitled to use the platform if a manufacturer with whom he is contractually affiliated has concluded a contract with Doorboost and has been provided with access data and an access authorisation. The access authorisation of the merchant always ends when the manufacturer is no longer authorised to use the platform. A separate termination by Doorboost is not necessary in such a case.

3. remuneration of doorboost

The remuneration is based on the conditions of the manufacturer's framework agreement with Doorboost. These conditions can be found in the underlying order form. If additional services are booked (e.g. landing pages, additional consultation, sales support, email dispatch), an additional remuneration may be due, the amount of which is also based on the order form.

Empowering brands and retailers with AI-driven marketing solutions to boost sales and streamline collaboration.

© Copyright 2024 Doorboost GmbH

Empowering brands and retailers with AI-driven marketing solutions to boost sales and streamline collaboration.

© Copyright 2024 Doorboost GmbH

Empowering brands and retailers with AI-driven marketing solutions to boost sales and streamline collaboration.

© Copyright 2024 Doorboost GmbH

Empowering brands and retailers with AI-driven marketing solutions to boost sales and streamline collaboration.

© Copyright 2024 Doorboost GmbH